As we end 2017 and start a New Year, we reflect on a year of
“bucket-list” travel taking us to places we have wanted to explore for a long
time. In a nutshell, we drove over 14,000 miles in only 6 months (in the U.S. and went to 16 other countries, traveling by truck, large cruise ship, train, foot, bus, cable car, rental car,
small boutique ship, ferry, tuk tuk, zodiac raft, small wooden “panga” canoes,
and of course airplane.
Speaking of air
travel, we took 21 flights in 2017 averaging 2- 1/2 hours each! That’s a whole lot of TSA security
lines. Some highlights that we remember:
Stayed in a 11th century castle
Experienced two healing ceremonies by Medicine
Men Shamans
Drank Bordeaux wine in a French Chateau
Ate Basque pintxos with rioja wine
Munched on Cornish pasties
Stood at the Sun Temple of Machu Picchu
Devoured Swiss Fondue
Reluctantly tried “cuy”-Peruvian delicacy of
guinea pig
Eagerly swigged Irish whiskey
Savored Dutch, French, Swiss, Ecuadorian,
Belgian, Italian and Peruvian chocolate
Had a conversation with a “street working woman”
in Quitos, Ecuador
Sipped champagne at the top of the Las Vegas
High Roller
Hiked in the Swiss Alps and the Peruvian Andes
Wrapped a 150 lb Anaconda snake around my neck
Walked among the world’s largest tortoises in
the Galapagos
Took our grandsons “camping” in our RV
Had our picture taken in front of Doc Martin’s Surgery
Survived left-handed driving with manual
transmission in Wales and Ireland
Found the ancestrial home of Jack’s 15th
great grandfather-Sir Richard Knightley
Lived for a while in a 16th century
Georgian home in Sulgrave, England
Put one foot in the northern hemisphere and one
foot in the southern hemisphere
Spoke Swiss-French when we don’t speak French
Changed from our tandem bicycle to electric